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GIFEN and Reed Expositions France announce WNE 2020 postponement

GMF news - World Trade Fair Guide. Turin, September 28, 2020 – The uncertainty of the global health environment has forced the organisers of WNE, GIFEN and Reed Expositions France, to take the tough decision today to postpone the 2020 edition of WNE.

The decision follows a review of the predictable impact of deteriorating health and regulatory conditions on the participation of international visitors, and on organizing the show. This is the second time the pandemic has had an impact on WNE, earlier having caused its postponement from June to December 2020.

Throughout this exceptional and difficult period, Reed Expositions France and GIFEN have remained committed to maintaining the show, a determination fostered by regular dialogue with leading players in the world civil nuclear community accompanied by an appreciation of their ability to mobilize international professionals.

The worsening of the pandemic since the end of August, the closing of borders and the imposition of 14-day quarantines around the world and particularly in Europe, as well as the tightening of regulations for major events in the Paris region, make it impossible today for the anticipated number of visitors to attend WNE in December. In those circumstances, the tough decision taken today by GIFEN and Reed Expositions France not to hold WNE in December 2020 was unavoidable.



Present in 18 industry sectors, with 40 leading events -including Batimat, EquipHotel, IFTM-Top Resa, Expoprotection, Pollutec, SITL, Fiac, Paris Photo - and 35 websites, Reed Expositions delivers contacts, content and communities with the power to transform our customers’ business. More than 18,600 companies and 1.08 million buyers, from France and abroad, are customers of our events.
Reed Expositions is a member of the Reed Exhibitions Group, a leading global events business, operating in the French market with more than 60 events and 2 subsidiaries: Reed Expositions France and Reed Midem.

For any further information, please contact :

Anne-Isabelle Lamouche - Deputy Director of Communication +33 (0)147 56 65 38 - anne-isabelle.lamouche@reedexpo.fr

28/09/2020 - 12.26.29

fonte: Reed Expositions France Anne-isabelle.lamouche@reedexpo.com

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