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Italian ceramic companies return to production. The Memoranda of 10 and 24 April set out the safety measures for production, logistics and transportation

PIANETA Costruzioni news. Turin, May 2, 2020 – After resuming the shipment of finished products on 3 April, Italian ceramic companies are now restarting production activities. This is an important step that allows companies to return to full-scale operation and recall employees, logistics operators and transporters while complying with applicable regulations.

Highly stringent and precautionary measures to ensure the safety of employees are set out in the Memorandum of Understanding of 24 April, signed by the government, Confindustria and the trade unions, and that of 10 April, signed by Confindustria Ceramica and the trade unions. Measures include circulating information as required by law; distributing personal protective equipment; more frequent sanitisation of workspaces; organising workstations and eating areas in such a way as to maintain safety distances; and making it easier for office staff to work from home.

To protect drivers and shipping personnel, ceramic companies have adopted containment measures such as new entry, transit and exit procedures and the use of dedicated routes and pre-established timescales to ensure that people maintain a safe distance at all times.

This review of all internal company procedures aims to guarantee the safety of employees while continuing to deliver the high-quality products and services expected from the Italian ceramic industry, a sector renowned the world over for its innovation, technology, design, healthiness and sustainability.

For further information: Andrea Serri
Press Office tel. +39 0536 818111
fax +39 0536 807935 - mobile +39 348 1504905
e-mail: aserri@confindustriaceramica.it

Confindustria Ceramica - V.le Monte Santo, 40 - 41049 Sassuolo (MO) – tel. +39 0536 818111 - fax +39 0536 807935
cod. fisc. 93004930363 www.confindustriaceramica.it info@confindustriaceramica.it

02/05/2020 - 10.06.21

fonte: Ufficio Stampa Confindustria Ceramica ufficiostampa@confindustriaceramica.it

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