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CECIMO elects Hans-Martin Schneeberger (pictured) as the new President and new Chairmen to the Committees

PRISMA news. Turin, December 17, 2019 – During its meeting held on 5 December 2019 in Brussels, the CECIMO General Assembly elected Dr Hans-Martin Schneeberger as President of CECIMO for a period of two years. His term will focus on the setting of global standards and the uptake of Artificial Intelligence.

Succeeding in this role Dr Roland Feichtl, Dr Hans-Martin Schneeberger has been entrusted with the responsibility of leading the European Association that represents more than a third of the world machine tool (MT) production.

In a highly competitive and uncertain global market, CECIMO and its members have to convey, to both the national and European institutions, the clear message that industry is vital for the future development of Europe. “The machine tool sector” he said “can contribute to the health of the European industry by shaping the next EU regulatory initiatives and policies”. Given that the world is evolving around three dimensions of sustainability (sustainability of economy, environment and society), CECIMO can play a crucial role in today’s challenges like circular economy and digitalisation. We can help defining standards on new technologies based on our values and ethics, such is the case of Artificial Intelligence. “Europe must lead the race on global standards at the international level, so that our regulations set the example for others to come”.

The new President made also clear that the European Institutions should value the role of industries like ours in drafting pivotal dossiers. On Artificial Intelligence, the EU representatives should broaden their view and value different perspectives, not only the one of big tech companies. “In many cases, these companies are suppliers to our Industry, while we are the customers and therefore users. So why should the European Commission discuss relevant issues exclusively with the suppliers if they can have a well-founded discussion with the users?”. Under his presidency, CECIMO will be committed to be the voice of manufacturing in the definition of the digital single market.

The priorities of Dr Schneeberger are in line with the project of the next European Commission. Among others, Europe wants to set the right environment for digital networks and services to thrive and strengthen itself as responsible global leader. CECIMO will follow closely all the dossiers on the table, such as cybersecurity, trade agreements and Intellectual Property Rights, where we can give a valuable input.

Who is Dr Hans-Martin Schneeberger?

Dr Hans-Martin Schneeberger is a Swiss citizen born on 14 May 1955.

Dr Schneeberger has been serving as Chairman of the board of directors of Schneeberger Holding AG since 2003. Between 1993 and 2018, he was CEO of the company and between 1988 and 1993 Managing Director and Head of Marketing and Sales of Schneeberger AG. From 1985 until 1988, Dr Schneeberger was account and project manager within a European-based management consulting firm.

Since 2007 he has been member on the board of Klingelnberg AG, while from 2008 to 2018 served as board member of Unitectra AG. He was also chairman of the board of Unitectra AG between 2014 and 2018. Previously he chaired the board of Inspire AG.

He was a member of the board of Swissmem and for many years a delegate to CECIMO, the European Machine Tool Builders Association in Brussels.

Dr Schneeberger obtained a PhD from the Krannert Business School at Purdue University USA in 1984 and was Tenure Track Assistant Professor at The Ross Business School at the University of Michigan from 1984 to 1985. Before he received a BSc in Mechanical Engineering in Switzerland.

Dr. Schneeberger is married to Mahnaz Schneeberger, together they have three adult children.

CECIMO elected new Chairmen to the Committees

As the successor of Mr Juha Makitalo, Dr Massimo Carboniero will lead the CECIMO Technical Committee, which will focus much of its work in the next two years on the future review of the Machinery Directive. Standardisation is another topic high in the agenda of the Committee. According to him, “standards play a strategic role in the uptake of new technologies and the digitisation of industry”. CECIMO is indeed involved in the work of different standardisation committees at European and International level. Sustainability is also another strategic subject in the agenda of the Committee. The aim is to support the sector to become more sustainable by building on existing good practices.

Dr Massimo Carboniero is CEO and co-owner of OMERA - a company leader in the manufacturing sector of metal forming machine tools-, Managing Director of FAIB- a company specialised in hot and cold die manufacturing for the automotive sector-, and Board member of TIMAC - a company producing circle cutting shears, special machine tools and automation systems. He was appointed member of the Board of Directors of UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE in 2004 and was Vice-president of the association between September 2008 and June 2016. Since 2016 he is the president of UCIMU. Born in 1959, he graduated in Business Economics at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice.

Mr Bruno Cathomen will succeed Mr George Blaha as Chairman of the Communication and Advocacy Committee. In his two years term, he promises to look at some issues at stake for the machine tools and related manufacturing industries. According to him, cybersecurity and digitalisation of our industry go hand in hand. This is why cybersecurity is a top priority. Mr Cathomen assured CECIMO’s commitment to support the European Commission and ENISA to build a real “single cybersecurity market”. Nevertheless, we need to ensure that, while doing so, we secure the competitiveness of our industry and that we follow a risk based approach. It means that cybersecurity requirements are associated with the intended use of the product and level of risk. Data flows, better data quality and data management are vital for machine tool businesses. Therefore, CECIMO will follow very closely the work of the European Commission with regard to handling data responsibly. umati is also a priority, as it aims at creating a worldwide standard for the connectivity of machine tools. “We need initiatives like umati”, said Mr Cathomen. “The main benefit is making data processing easier, and, if data are standardized on many machine tool interfaces, the monitoring of these data, for example, is simplified”.

Bruno Cathomen, Swiss citizen, has been CEO of the Mikron Group since 2011. He started his work at Mikron in 2009 and, since then, he is engaged as Swissmem Committee Member of the Swiss Machine Tool Manufacturers. Before joining Mikron, Bruno Cathomen worked for 8 years at the globally operating Finnish Electronics Manufacturing Services provider Elcoteq Network Cooperation, where he held different positions, and previously for 7 years at ABB. He owns a Bachelor degree in Electro Engineering at the Technical University Zürich (ETH) where he got his Master in Management and Technology. He also owns an executive Bachelor of Business Administration from OEKREAL Schools of Business.

Mr Marcus Burton, Non-Executive Director of Yamazaki Mazak UK ltd, has been confirmed for another two years term as Chairman of the Economic Committee. In a time of high uncertainty, his experience will surely guide us in the next EU trade agreements’ talks with other countries. Not only, he will continue monitoring statistics and forecasts for the industry.

CECIMO Chairmen - including Mr Stewart Lane, Corporate Manager of Renishaw PL, who continues chairing CECIMO Additive Manufacturing Committee -, the Board and CECIMO Secretariat ensure that the President of CECIMO, Dr Hans Martin Schneeberger, has a strong and committed team to bring CECIMO to the next level.


CECIMO is the European Association of the Machine Tool Industries and related Manufacturing Technologies. We bring together 15 national associations of machine tool builders, which represent approximately 1500 industrial enterprises in Europe (EU + EFTA + Turkey), over 80% of which are SMEs. CECIMO covers 98% of the total machine tool production in Europe and about 35% worldwide. It accounts for more than 150,000 employees and a turnover of nearly €28 billion in 2018. More than three quarters of CECIMO production is shipped abroad, whereas half of it is exported outside Europe.

Filippo Laonigro
Direzione Relazioni Esterne e Ufficio Stampa
Tel. +39 02 26 255 225
Viale Fulvio Testi 128 - 20092 Cinisello Balsamo MI - Italia

17/12/2019 - 09.46.14

fonte: Filippo Laonigro technical.press@ucimu.it

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