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Space Meetings: International Conference and Business Meetings dedicated to the Space Industry, May 20-22, 2024, Venice, Italy

Investment Forum | Space & UAV Suppliers Summit | Space Wine & Agritech Expo | Sport & Space

GMF news - Guida Mondiale delle Fiere. Torino, 20 maggio 2024 –

Space Meetings: International Conference and Business Meetings dedicated to the Space Industry
May 20-22, 2024 | Venice, Italy

Space Meetings Veneto is the new global business event that brings together professionals from across various industries to discuss the latest developments in the world of satellite applications, innovative technologies, supply chain and investment.


1. International participation
Benefit from the presence of the largest national and European contractors in the space sector

2. B2B Meetings
Develop your network and connect with key players: space agencies, large companies, SMEs, Start-Ups through a series of individually tailored and pre-arranged B2B meetings

3. Technology
Get access to the latest technological innovations and breakthrough approaches responding to current and future challenges and
opportunities in aerospace

4. Conferences
Participate in high profile keynotes and panel discussions with industry stakeholders and experts from research centers and academia


• Hedge funds
• Venture capital
• R&D Centers
• Space Agencies
• International organizations
• Promotion agencies
• Academia
• Industry OEMs
• Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers
• Contractors
• Satellite downstream services providers
• Engineering
• Procurement
• Startups
• Data analysts
• Software providers
• Vineyard managers
• Wine producers
• RTU systems providers

Space & UAV Suppliers Summit
The Space Suppliers Summit is a two-day business convention dedicated to the space supply chain and satellite industry that features a high-level conference, a showcase, technical workshops, and pre-arranged one-to-one meetings.

• Advanced manufacturing
• Data-driven manufacturing & advanced analytics
• Supply chain and procurement strategies
• Space 3D Printing
• 4.0 industries and green manufacturing
• Launch system

Space Wine & Agritech Expo
This is a one-day event featuring a conference program and one-to-one meetings for professionals involved in space applications, innovative technologies, data for the wine industry, and the climate monitoring sector.

Space applications for vineyard and agricultural management
• Precision viticulture
• Remote monitoring techniques (GPS, remote sensing, satellite, UAV..)
• Remote-sensing data & operational water management
• Data for cultivating vines
• Control and regulation Advanced vineyard management technology
• Big Data and AI
• Smart Warehouses
• Variable Rate Technology (VRT)
• Automation and robotics
• Drones and UAVs
• IoT and sensors
• Distributed ledger technology Space data for climate change
• Satellite weather data
• Mountains monitoring
• Satellite data for lagoons
• LEO constellations
• Remote sensing technology
• Micro-data centers for new satellite design
• Space applications

Sport & Space
Veneto will be the European Region of Sport 2024. The Space Meetings Veneto will be also a unique chance to speak about physical activity and Space:
• Nutrition
• Well-being
• Psychophysical wellness
• Psychology and Cognitive Science
• New Materials and tools
• Wereable textile
• Telemetry and remote control
• Medicine

For more information about Space Meetings Veneto
Contact Elena GRAUS, Project Manager
spacemeetingsveneto@advbe.com +39 34 63 22 92 78


advanced business events | Space Meetings Veneto 2024
10 rue de la Rochefoucauld, CS 50300, 92513 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex, France
spacemeetingsveneto@advbe.com | abe – SAS capital 50 000€ - 515 013 506 00040 – NAF 8230 Z


Vedi anche/See also

20/05/2024 - 11.05.51

fonte: Space Meetings Veneto spacemeetingsveneto@advbe.com

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